Monday, August 8, 2011

Update on Friday night

Carmen, Pam, and I had a "different" experience on this outing.  This was the first time the dancers did not greet us with their ususal smiles. Instead they kept their distance and even seemed to avoid us.  This has never been the case before. The girls did not seem to have freedom to come and talk to us as in the past.  We know when we walk into that dark, smoke-filled place that evil is all around us - but we know even more that if God be for us, who can be against us!  I believe in a way this week, we looked evil right in the face (maybe the pimps at the bar) and stood firm in weapon formed against us shall prosper. 

On the bright side,  Debbie (not her real name) told us she just learned she was pregnant and this would be her last week.  She promised to call the ministry for help.  We told her that the Lord was nudging her out of there and she agreed.  Of course she is very nervous about the future.

Please pray for her:

- first and foremost for the Lord to save her
- she would call the ministry for  help
- for a church home and an opportunity to be discipled
- for her fiancee and childen (this will be their second) salvation
- for God-honoring jobs

Praise God the bouncer's girlfriend found a clerical job.  He thanked us for praying.  Please help us to pray him out of there now.  He is always kind to us.

I believe the Lord may be taking us in a different path with this ministry.  Please join me in praying for the Lord's wisdom which is "first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,  submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."  (James 3:17

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Angie, I really enjoy reading your blog and hearing all about your ministry. It's amazing to hear all that's happening, and what God is doing through you and the other women who help you. What a blessing, encouragement and light you are. I'll be praying for the needs and individuals you mentioned. Keep up the great work. You're an inspiration!
